Merchant Portal Configuration
To configure QuickLinks, follow these steps:
- Login to your merchant account at:
- In the menu, click on the "Integrations" tab.
- In the left sidebar, click on "QuickLinks".
- Click on the "Add new link" button.
- Fill the details in the form and click on the “Add” button shown.

After adding the QuickLink, you will receive all the necessary details to embed the link on your website or send it via email.
Set custom return URLs
You can set custom return URLs which the customer will be redirect to after completing the transaction (the default is a thank you page hosted by Telr)
- Login to your merchant Telr account at:
- Click on the “Integrations” tab in the menu then click “QuickLinks” then click on “Configuration” button and then fill out the details.

Sample request with all parameters
"quicklinkrequest": {
"storeid": "12345",
"authkey": "mykey1234",
"details": {
"desc": "test transaction",
"cart": "1234",
"currency": "AED",
"amount": "10",
"minquantity": "1",
"maxquantity": "1",
"fullname": "",
"addr1": "",
"city": "",
"country": "AE",
"variablevaluemode": {
"status": "0",
"sectiontitle": ""
"repeatbilling": {
"auto": "",
"status": "",
"amount": "",
"period": "",
"interval": "",
"start": "",
"term": "",
"final": ""
"availability": {
"notvalidbefore": {
"day": "",
"month": "",
"year": ""
"notvalidafter": {
"day": "",
"month": "",
"year": ""
"stockcontrol": "0",
"stockcount": "0",
"showstock": "0",
"stocktitle": "",