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iFrame display

The payment pages can be displayed within an iFrame, giving the appearance of the payment page being contained entirely within your website.

To enable the framed display, you need to include an additional parameter within the ‘create order’ request. The parameter is framed and the values for this are as follows:

0 or not setStandard full-screen payment page
1Framed payment page, with only payment methods that can operate directly from within a frame. Payment methods that require a full page display cannot be used. The customer will be returned to your site still within the frame.
2Framed payment page as the initial display, but the process can break out of the frame to a full-page display if required by any payment method. The customer will be returned to your site outside of the frame.
3Payment page initially appears within an iframe for transaction processing. Once the transaction is complete, the display transitions to a full-page view, redirecting the customer back to your website outside of the iframe.


To use framed mode your store must be operating under https, not http

To avoid any issue in redirection due to blockers on customer’s browser, we recommend you to implement the below code for loading iFrame on our website

*sandbox=’allow-forms allow-modals allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-popups allow-scripts allow-top-navigation allow-same-origin’*

The frame that is displayed must be a minimum of 600 pixels wide and 550 pixels high.

After obtaining the URL from the create order request, this can then be used as the src value for the iframe. For example:

  #telr {
    width: 100%;
    min-width: 600px;
    height: 600px;
    frameborder: 0;

<iframe id= " <<company_name_lower_case>> " src= " [url obtained from create order] " ></iframe>

When displayed within a frame, the payment page does not display the content-header section of the page (see payment page customization)