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The Telr Magento Extension allows merchants who use the Magento system to take payments via the Telr Hosted Payment Pages. No card details are captured by or stored within the Magento system, so there are no PCI requirements for the store.

When the customer clicks on the ‘Process Order’ button at the end of the Magento checkout screen, they will be taken to the Telr secure server to enter their card details. The result of the purchase attempt (authorised or otherwise) is sent back to the Magento system to update the order details. The customer is also returned to the store.

Magento extension supports ApplePay on version 2.x, seamless mode and all other payment options available on redirected page.

The extension has been built for Magento Community Edition, and has been tested with versions 1.9.x, 2.1.x and 2.x



You should take a back-up of your system before installing the extension.

The contents of the zip file should be copied into /app/code/ folder which will be found in the root directory of your Magento installation.

Once the files have been copied to the correct place, you should log in to the Magento administration system to configure the payment module.

Completing the installation

In order to ensure the Magento system recognizes the new extension, you will need to perform some cache updates. This is done from within the Magento administration system.

From within the System Menu, Select Cache Management.

Click the ‘Flush Magento Cache’ button, and wait for that to complete.

These steps force Magento to re-scan all of the extension options, which will ensure that the extension is made available in the configuration menu.

Configuring Magento

From the System Menu, select Configuration.

Click on Stores from the sidebar menu and select Configuration.

Click on Sales tab and select Payment methods.

Select Telr tab and set Enabled to Yes. You also need to set the secret key that has been set as part of your hosted payment page settings. Click the ‘Save Config’ button to store these changes.

Payment page customisation

You can customize the payment page by using a CSS file. The core page display is based on the BootStrap 3 responsive layout. Before making any CSS changes, ensure that you are familiar with the underlying styles used within Bootstrap. For more details, please refer to the Hosted Payment Page integration guide.

Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode

After the consumer enters their card details, the payment gateway will check to see if that card is enrolled as part of the Verified by Visa or MasterCard SecureCode authentication systems (known as 3D-Secure).

If the card is part of one of these authentication systems, then an additional page is displayed which requires the relevant authentication details to be entered. This is usually in the form of a password that has been assigned by the consumer or via a one-time code sent to the customers mobile.

The actual data entry section is presented directly by the card issuer and cannot be customised. It is generally displayed on a white background. Where possible the 3D-Secure authentication form is displayed over the payment page, allowing the customer to see that it is clearly part of the payment process.

Live Transactions

Before processing live transactions, ensure that the IP details of your server are entered into the Payment Page V2 configuration in the Telr Merchant Administration System.