Stored card with CVV and 3DS flow
To enable the Stored card functionality, you first need to select the ‘Stored cards’ option within the payment page configuration in the Merchant Admin System (the page that shows your authentication key, please refer below screen shot). You then need to pass the parameter ‘bill_custref/"ref" containing the unique customer ID in the transaction request.

Please note that once the initial transaction is successfully authorised, customers will be offered to save the card for future transactions.
"method": "create",
"store": 1234,
"authkey": "mykey1234",
"order": {
"cartid": "12324",
"ref": "0123456789",(Unique customer ID)
"test": "1",
"amount": "10.50",
"currency": "AED",
"description": "My purchase"
"return": {
"authorised": "",
"declined": "",
"cancelled": ""
Stored card with C/Auth (no CVV or 3DS)
Process to store the card will remain the same as mentioned above. However, to avail stored card functionality without CVV and OTP, please send an Email request to '[email protected]' or raise a ticket through Merchant admin 'Support Ticket' option.