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Set Future Cancel Date in Repeat Billing

Merchant can set agreement cancel date on their Repeat Billing agreement and our system will cancel the agreement directly without manual intervention of the merchant.

Process for updating cancel date for a Repeat Billing Agreement:

  • Go to Repeat billing tab in Telr Admin and open ‘Existing agreement’ tab
  • Search the agreement for which you want to set a cancel date and click on the agreement ID.
  • Agreement details will be opened. Click on ‘Change Details’ and an Information box will appear; there you need to select the desired cancel date from ‘Modify Cancel Date’ option and Click on ‘Change’ Button.
  • Agreements current cancel date will be updated, and the agreement will be cancelled in future on the set cancelled date.

Note: Setting future cancel date option is available only on the Repeat billing agreement created for unlimited period on all the mode i.e. through API, Invoice or Quicklink. Repeat term should not be set for any set period.