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Transaction advice


Transaction Advice Service is a server-to-server messaging system designed to facilitate communication regarding various transaction types. The service enables your systems to receive notifications about important events such as refunds or voids being processed.

You have the flexibility to choose the specific transaction types for which you want to receive messages. Once selected, the message service will deliver relevant information for matching transactions. This includes transactions processed through payment processing APIs like Hosted Payment Pages or Remote, as well as manually processed transactions through the Merchant Administration System.

Each message is transmitted as an HTTP POST request to a pre-configured URL.

Service configuration

From within the Merchant Administration System, select either the ‘Payment Page’ or ‘Security’ menu, and click on the ‘Transaction advice’ option.

This will display the configuration page, which allows you to select which transaction types you want to receive advice messages for. You can also choose to limit the advice messages to only transactions which have been authorised (transaction status A or H)


In case "Only include authorised transactions (status 'A' or 'H')" option is not selected, then decline transaction data will also be sent along with authorised entries.

You will need to supply the URL that is to be used by the advice service. This URL must use either the HTTP or HTTPS protocol and must be on either port 80 or port 443. The connection that is made to the URL is a direct server-to-server connection, there is no browser involved in the request. The URL used must be accessible over the internet.

Message format

Transaction advice messages are sent using the HTTP POST method. Messages will contain the following fields:

tran_storeYour store ID
tran_typeTransaction type. See the transcation type and class lists below.
tran_classTransaction class
tran_testTest mode (0 = Live transaction, 1 = Test)
tran_refTransaction reference
tran_prevrefReference for previous transaction. For transactions which are a follow-up transaction, such as a void, this contains the transaction reference of the transaction being voided. For an initial transaction, such as a sale or auth, this will be the same as the tran_ref.
tran_firstrefReference for the first transaction in a sequence. For example if refund is being performed on a capture transaction, this will contain the reference to the initial auth transaction.
tran_orderOrder Reference. This parameter is relevant whenever the payment link is generated using the 'order.json' API.

Please note this field is not sent by default. If you need the order reference in the response, please contact our support.
tran_currencyTransaction currency as 3 character ISO code
tran_amountTransaction amount
tran_cartidCart ID
tran_descPurchase description
tran_statusTransaction status. ‘A’ or ‘H’ indicate an authorised transaction. Any other value indicates that the request could not be processed. Transactions with status H have been authorised but are on hold.
tran_authcodeAuthorisation code. If the transaction was authorised, this contains the authorisation code from the acquirer. Otherwise it contains an error code. See the response codes section for more details.
tran_authmessageAuthorisation message
tran_checkData signature check. See the section on data security below.
card_codeCard identifier two digit code
card_paymentType of payment used
bin_numberCard Bank Identification Number (BIN) used to identify the issuing bank and card type.
card_issuerName of the bank issued the card.
card_countryCard country name identified by a two-letter ISO country code.
card_last4The last four digits of the card number, often used for verification purposes.
cart_langLanguage code used for the checkout process
integration_idIntegration setup identifier. Identifier for the integration setup or type of integration used to connect with the payment gateway.
actual_payment_dateDate and time of the payment
bill_titleTitle (Mr, Mrs, etc)
bill_addr1Street address – line 1
bill_addr2Street address – line 2
bill_addr3Street address – line 3
bill_countryCountry as 2 character ISO code
bill_phone1Phone number
bill_emailEmail address
xtra_Extra data fields from the authorisation.

Transaction types

SaleA standard online transaction. If authorised the relevant amount will be debited from the customers’ card.
VoidA method used to cancel a sale transaction. This can only be done within a short time after the sale transaction was processed. The void amount is always the same as the original sale amount.
RefundUsed to credit an amount back to the customer. The refund amount may be the same as or less than the original Sale amount.
Refund ReversalThis can be used to cancel a refund, and can only be done within a short time after the refund was processed. Not all acquirers support this transaction type.
AuthA pre-authorisation transaction. This is similar to a sale, but the amount is not immediately debited from the customers’ card. Instead the amount is reserved on that card, and can then be debited at a later date using a capture transaction. Until the capture transaction is processed, no funds will be debited. Release Used to release any funds that have previously been reserved by an auth transaction. No funds are debited from the card, and the capture option can no longer be used.
CaptureUsed to debit funds that have been previously reserved using an auth transaction. This completes the transaction processing.
Capture ReversalThis can be used to cancel a capture transaction, and can only be done within a short time after the capture was processed. Not all acquirers support this transaction type.

In some situations, a transaction may be changed from a Sale to an Auth. If, for example, the original transaction request was for a Sale but the anti-fraud system has flagged the transaction for inspection then it may be converted into an Auth transaction which then requires a Capture in order to be completed.

If your system uses the Sale transaction method, then you should also allow for advice messages relating to Auth, Capture and Release transactions.

Card codes

CodeCard Type
VCVisa Credit
VDVisa Debit
VEVisa Electron
VPVisa Corporate Purchasing Card
VBVisa Corporate
MCMastercard Credit
MDMastercard Debit
MAMastercard Maestro
AMAmerican Express
APAmerican Express Corporate Purchasing Card
DNDiners Club
A1Applepay Visa
A2Applepay Mastercard
A3Applepay Amex
A4Applepay Discover
A5Applepay JCB
A6Applepay Mada
S1Samsungpay Visa
S3Samsungpay Amex
S2Samsungpay Mastercard
S4Samsungpay Discover
S5Samsungpay JCB
S6Samsungpay Mada
UPUnion Pay
JPJeel Pay
EDSadad Bill

Transaction class codes

CodeTransaction Type
motoMail Order / Telephone Order
contContinuous Authority

Message delivery

The transaction advice message will be generated as soon as the transaction processing has been completed. If there is an error whilst attempting to deliver the message, then there will be a short delay and a second attempt will be made. Up to 4 attempts in total will be made, with an increasing delay between each attempt.

Your systems must indicate successful receipt of the message by using the HTTP 200 OK response code. Other response codes will be treated as a failure and the message will be repeated.

Data security

To authenticate a transaction advice message, a SHA1 hash check can be done using key transaction, card, and billing information fields. The process includes these steps:

  1. Concatenate Field Values: Combine the values of the specified fields using the secret key, separating each value with a colon (:). Make sure not to include the labels.
  • If any field value is missing, use an empty value in its place in the concatenated string.
  • Convert any percent-encoded characters (e.g., %20) to their corresponding characters.
  1. Generate the SHA1 Hash: After concatenating the values, create the SHA1 hash of the resulting string.
  2. Compare Hashes: Match the generated hash with the ones in the tran_check, card_check, or bill_check fields respectively. This confirms the transaction’s integrity and authenticity.


'tran_order' is not sent by default. If you need the order reference in the response, please send a request to [email protected]. If 'tran_order' is enabled, then its value needs to be placed like <tran_firstref>:<tran_order>:<tran_currency>

Message authentication - PHP example

This is an example of authenticating a transaction advice message using the method described in the Data security section.

function SignData($post_data,$secretKey,$fieldList) {
  $signatureParams = explode(',', $fieldList);
  $signatureString = $secretKey;
  foreach ($signatureParams as $param) {

    if (array_key_exists($param, $post_data)) { 
      $signatureString .= ':' . trim($post_data[$param]);
    } else {
      $signatureString .= ':';
	return sha1($signatureString); 

$secret_key='[Your Secret Goes Here]';

// Create a check value based on the secret key and the data received.
// To make the following more readable, the field list has been split over two lines
$check=SignData($_POST,$secret_key, 'tran_store,tran_type,tran_class,tran_test,tran_ref,tran_prevref,tran_firstref,tran_order,tran_currency,tran_amount,tran_cartid,tran_desc,tran_status,tran_authcode,tran_authmessage'

// Check that the signature in the message matches the expected value
if (strcasecmp($_POST['tran_check'],$hash_check)!=0) {
	// Hash check does not match. Data may have been tampered with. 
  die('Check mismatch');
// Hash check OK, use details supplied in POST data to determine what action to take 
// tran_status:
// A = Authorised, H = Authorised but on hold, any other character = not authorised